What is a search engine?

3 min readNov 7, 2021


Techno Odisha

The internet is a wonderful tool that has lots of benefits and can make your life easy. The internet has millions of websites and web pages.

You can search for almost anything — from learning new things to getting the latest news, to new movies and tips for doing something you don’t know.

To search the internet effectively you need a search engine.

A. What is a search engine?

A search engine is a software program that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web.

Once you type the topic on which you want to find information, a search engine will scan through thousands of websites and webpages on the internet and collect, organize, and display the most relevant information.

Some examples of popular search engines are Yahoo, Google, and Bing.

Every website on the internet has an address that is unique. For example, the address for the Facebook site is

www.facebook.com. Here, www stands for World Wide Web. Most websites have this at the beginning.

Types of search engine

1. How to search when the website address is known?

We know that every website on the internet has a unique address. If you know the exact address of the website that you are looking for, the following steps can be used to access that website:

a. Open the browser on your device and type the name of the website in the address space provided.

b. Click on the web page and once it opens, you can read through it to find the information that you need.

2. How to search when the website address is not known?

Suppose now you want to search the internet and don’t know the exact website.

What do you do? Well, there is a trick to finding exactly what you need from among millions of web pages and websites on the Internet.

This trick is knowing the keywords. Keywords are words that help us find what we are looking for on the Internet.

ii. In the search box, type the keywords.

For example, if you are looking to purchase a Kashmiri shawl in a large market in Delhi, you will use “Kashmiri Shawl” as keywords along with “Delhi” to get better search results.

iii. Click and choose any link from the options given to get more information on what you are searching for.

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Originally published at https://www.technoodisha.com on November 7, 2021.




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